Friday, June 25, 2010

J-Lo arrives...

By Jennifer Mills

Hello! I am Jennifer, the new RN from San Diego! I have been a nurse for a loooong time. Graduated in 1995 from Maui Community College. Life has been good to me indeed!

I just came from a two year stint at Kaiser Permanente ER in San Diego. I have a vast array of experience from urgent care, pre/post operative, IV infusion Center, IV team, gastroenterology, pulmonology, administering conscious sedation, and a RN at a walk-in nurse clinic.... I am extremely happy to be here!!! Well travelled, I am not. This is an adventure of a lifetime!

A blog... What do I have of interest to say? The Mamas and children are beautiful and healthy. Job well done FoodWaterShelter! This is the beginning of our story... My inititiation if you will, into my role as the new nurse.

So here it is, the first blog from the new nesi (nurse) at Food Water Shelter, fondly referred to as "J Lo" by the Mamas.

Now let's make this clear. I am a thin, fair, blond. I have got no "J Lo" attributes. No bumps. No curves. No rhythm. No salsa. I got no "J Lo"....

"J Lo". Me? I LOVE IT!!!! I embrace this nickname whole-heartedly!

As I expand upon my new "J Lo" identity, I incorporate my interpretation of my "J Lo" Dance. My "interpretation" is a definite acknowledgement of my inability to dance...

This is the signature move:
A swift slap of my right hand calculated with, shall I say, a timely swing of the hips.

The Mamas love it!!!

With this move alone, I managed to break the ice.
All barriers melted...

When things in the classroom are getting a bit dull... The Mamas with blank stares. I stir it up with the J Lo move!
They love it every time!!

1 comment:

David said...

Welcome J-Lo. Truly hope you have a wonderful and rewarding time at Kesho Leo. Looking forward to hearing your updates.