If there's one thing fws is, it's new. So, we're looking for help with all sorts of things
Check out our volunteer vacancies…
Families for Families sponsorship program
If you have a few dollars to spare each month, our Families for Families sponsorship program is a great place for people to make an ongoing contribution to help support the welfare of a family in need. Please take a moment to learn how it works.
Read about our Families for Families program...
volunteer your cash
Well, if you know anything about the world, you know that it doesn't go round without money. And unfortunately, fws doesn't either. But the good news is that our money goes to terrific causes. If you wish to donate some of your hard-earned cash to us, to keep our wheels rolling (admin costs, fundraising costs etc), and help us make a small but tangible difference in the developing world, then donate now...
become a member, have a say
Become an official part of us, register your interest, attend our yearly AGM, vote on issues and receive communications on fws's actions throughout the year. Find out more…