Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Last week we were very priveledged to receive a visit from long term FWS vounteer and permaculture guru – Corky! Corky was on his way to give some agricultural advice to a project in Uganda and managed to squeeze in some time to visit his favourite place in the whole wide world (well that’s what he told us anyway).

While he was here Corky was able to give Don and Glen some background and advice on all things farmy and constructiony and even managed to get his hands dirty helping to drain out the aquifer and do some digging. We all really enjoyed being taken on a site tour of the project by 'the Corkinator' and asked a zillion questions about the background of FWS and why different decisions were made during the construction and set-up phases. We were also able to ask his much valued opinion on some of the challenges that the amazing 2010 team are facing (Just how do you make a single crate of beer last a week?) Most importantly… he was able to fill us in on some of the funny stories that took place during the 14 months that he spent here in 2006.

The highlight of the trip had to be chipsi and an Eagle beer at the infamous ‘Engosheraton’ pub where Corky met his girlfriend Erin in 2007 (she was a volunteer at Edmund Rice at the time). Assistant manager, Mudi and farm manager, John are currently keeping Corky company in Uganda where we know they’ll learn lots and come back with lots of exciting new ideas for us to try out at Kesho Leo.

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